Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Wondering How to Start a Blog? - Choose the Best Blogging Platforms First!

Learning how to start a blog is a great way to get your opinion out there, promote your small business, or gain a dedicated readership. Your blog is only as good as the platform it's based on, however. That's why it's so important to compare the available platforms before you get started. If you're ready to find out how to create a blog, you should know this information first:


This Google-owned service integrates neatly with any pre-existing Google products you use, such as Gmail. That lets you go from registration to your first post in just about 15 minutes. Template editing and tagging are also very easy and you'll have the ability to post from Word and Google Docs.

The downside is that Blogger is a little more limited than other options, and its market share has been dropping in recent years. While Blogger may not be on top anymore, it's still a viable free service that makes setting up easy, even for the inexperienced.


As of 2012, WordPress is the giant of free blogging platforms. Most people wondering how to create a blog start here, due to the platform's high expandability. If your blog ever grows beyond the capacity of a free WordPress subdomain, you can download the main WordPress installation and set it up on your own independent website. WordPress also offers a wide range of themes, many plug-ins, and extensive customizability.

All this is great if you have a little bit of experience under your belt, but while WordPress is fairly easy to set up, it can be intimidating for people who've never had a blog before. You may need to look up a few tutorials or get a little outside help to put together the perfect WordPress blog for your situation.


This platform is a little different from Blogger or WordPress, in that it's a hybrid of a blogging platform and social media options like Facebook or Twitter. Like many social media sites, Tumblr is best suited to relatively short thoughts and is very image heavy. It makes connecting with and following other users very simple, and is a great choice for anyone who wants to make short, sweet posts on a regular basis.

Setup is extremely easy, though navigating the system itself may take a little bit of practice. Customization can also be a problem. Tumblr is great for sharing thoughts, but not the best choice if you want to integrate ads or put a shopping cart link in place. You may need a main website as an auxiliary to your Tumblr blog.

No matter which option you choose, a little planning is all you'll need to put together the perfect blog. Take a few minutes to think it through, and you might be delighted by the results.

Designing and Creating Effective Landing Pages   7 Navigation System Elements Your Website Should Have   Hire Java Developers With Experience in Top 10 Java Frameworks   Grow Your Businesses Revenue From Having A Mobile Website   Why Learn WordPress and Some Tips on Getting Started   PSD to OsCommerce: Fuelling Better Ecommerce Websites   

What Web Design Mistakes Are Hurting Your Conversion Rates?

Have you ever considered whether elements of your web design work is actually hurting the conversion rate of a website? Believe it or not, this is entirely possible and can lead to many visitors looking elsewhere for your products and services, meaning that you see a considerable drop in revenue. Often, this is due to a mistake or two in the design, and it is very easy to fix them up and start seeing a boost in your conversions once again. So, what are some of the most common of these mistakes?

Placing calls-to-action below the page fold When visitors view your web design for the first time, they'll give it a very quick scan and judge whether it is worth their while or not - and all this takes as little as 5 seconds. If your call-to-action is placed below the page fold (which is the name given to the area of the design that visitors can see without having to scroll), it's likely that they won't even see it. Make sure that you place calls-to-action where they can be seen. Underestimating distractions Whilst your promotional banner or headlining images may look really cool, they could actually be distracting your visitors from the information that they need or you want them to be reading. Your web design needs to be structured in a way that improves eye flow and does not distract visitors from the most important information on the page. Try to avoid animated images or large photos that are quite busy. Choosing to be cool over being usable It is an occupational hazard of working in web design that you will want to be creative and innovative with your work. You must be careful, however, that you don't break usability standards in the creation of your cool designs, as this can lead to visitors becoming confused by the purpose of your website. When you come up with some great new way of doing something, have someone else test it before you decide to use it.

There are, of course, a number of other mistakes commonly made during the web design process that have a detrimental effect on your conversion rates; the three outlined above, however, tend to be the most common and the most damaging in terms of revenue. You should also be wary of using large blocks of text, variations that don't vary enough, and a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to your next designs to ensure that your conversions are right up there.

Designing and Creating Effective Landing Pages   7 Navigation System Elements Your Website Should Have   Hire Java Developers With Experience in Top 10 Java Frameworks   Grow Your Businesses Revenue From Having A Mobile Website   Communication Is Key: Be Honest With Your Website Designer   Web Designing Companies Can Help You Get The Perfect Business Website   

Web Design: Optimizing for Conversions - Part 1

With the boom and flourish of the Internet, marketing online to grow or start a business has become a huge industry. Many people try to get up a website and then drive traffic to it for sales leads... much like a telemarketer might make lots of calls for leads, or a door-to-door salesman knocks on doors to see people. There are many companies that also specialize in helping people drive traffic to their website. This can be done through paid ads, affiliate marketing, email marketing, and search engine optimization, to name a few strategies.

While it sounds logical to learn how to drive more traffic to your website to increase sales or build a mailing list or get more leads, there's a key ingredient missing. If you're driving tons of traffic to your website but the site is not optimized for conversions, then the extra traffic is useless.

What does it mean to optimize a site for conversions? It means that the site is designed and organized around a consistent goal or idea and leads people to take an action. The action may be subtle, like clicking to another page to learn more. Or maybe it's to click and watch a video. Perhaps it's to get in contact with an email.

Regardless of the action you might want people to take on your site, one of the first things to do to optimize your website for conversions is to let people know where they are.

Where am I?

If you think of your prospect that may have found your site link from a search result, another site or an ad, they don't know much or anything about you or your site. They may know only the keyword that they used in Google got them to find your site, or they know they saw an ad that looked like it had a headline that caught their attention... and they clicked to get to your site.

Many times, people do not get to your site by directly typing in your domain name. Or, if they do, they may have heard it or met you in person and have your website address on a business card. But other than that, they may have no other information about your site and why it is interesting or useful to them.

So having your name to identify the site--name and logo--is a good start. But the name and logo may be meaningless to the new visitor. Or, you might have your face. But this may or may not be relevant to the visitor... does it hold meaning or significance to them? How can you convey identifying information in your name/logo, your imagery and then your content?

Think about what you might say to someone if they met you at a networking event or if you're approaching someone new you want to ask on a date. You have a few seconds--maybe a minute--to say hello, introduce yourself and be interesting or compelling enough to hold their interest.

Website home pages or landing pages are a lot like dating in many ways!

What can people find on your site? What is your site about? Who is it for? Having a descriptive tag line can help a lot too. For example, "Natural nutrition coaching for people over 50" or "Real Estate for Second-Home Buyers in Miami". This targets your audience---and can make your message much more powerful when you are clear on what your site is, what they an do there and and who it is for.

Look for my Web Design: Optimizing for Conversions Part 2 and Part 3 for more on creating a compelling website that converts leads or drives people to take action instead of clicking away.

Designing and Creating Effective Landing Pages   7 Navigation System Elements Your Website Should Have   Hire Java Developers With Experience in Top 10 Java Frameworks   Grow Your Businesses Revenue From Having A Mobile Website   

5 Reasons Why Responsive Web Design Is Critical For Your Business

Nowadays, it's a well-known fact that a slow-loading website might be the death of a business. If it takes any more than 10 seconds to load then it appears that something is wrong, and any longer than that and we're looking somewhere else. Here are the top 5 reasons why responsive web design will really elevate your business. That means increased sales, enhanced reputation and more besides, so let's take a closer look...

Reasons 1, 2 & 3: Responsive Means Dependable

The first reason to use responsive web design is simple: every web company out there now has the capacity to offer this, so not taking them up on the offer would seem like virtual suicide. The second reason to use responsive web design is also obvious - it's a great reflection on the responsive nature of your business. A fast-moving website implies that you'll be as responsive with customer service as your site is about loading-up the About Us page. The third reason to use responsive web design is less obvious but by far just as important - being responsive enables the thoughts and feelings of your visitor to flow rapidly, building up a comprehensive idea of the identity of your company. If a site doesn't use responsive coding, for example, then it's going to be confusing their visitors. Like bad writing in a well-plotted book, this perplexing little number could make the potential customer think something is amiss with your business, and that's likely to make them ponder the worst question of them all: can they handle payments and do the job effectively or should I go somewhere else?

Reasons 4 & 5: Responsive Web Design Examples Prove That Speed Is Key

Speed is critical to responsive web design, but that doesn't mean that it should be used above all else. The golden rule every website should follow is this: never use speed at the expense of quality. There are plenty of ways to remind your visitor that the site is loading. Think of a novel way to keep them entertained while the information appears - the best responsive web design examples out there are great for 2 reasons: firstly, they combine a mass of information and data in a highly responsive way that never leaves the viewer bored, which means that potential customer never thinks twice about clicking away to another site, and secondly they use colour and responsive coding to make boring data like graphs and numbers look intriguing. If you can intrigue your visitors with the dullest of information that uses up-to-date, responsive solutions, then imagine what you might be able to do with video or images that really blows them away!

Designing and Creating Effective Landing Pages   7 Navigation System Elements Your Website Should Have   Hire Java Developers With Experience in Top 10 Java Frameworks   Grow Your Businesses Revenue From Having A Mobile Website   Professional Web Design - Strategies for Building an Online Business   

Web Page Designer - Making Your Site Unique

If you are hoping to have a professionally designed website in the shortest amount of time, one popular option is to look for a good template that suits the theme of your site and work from there. The only problem is that the template won't exactly make your website original unless you know how to make a website and use your knowledge in heavily modifying the template. Otherwise, you have to get a web page designer to do the handy work for you. While this path is likely to cost you some money, you are very much guaranteed an original design where your site content should be able to fit right in. When looking for a person or freelancer to hire, make sure you know the difference between a web page designer and a web developer.

Web page designers are actually the people that you should be looking for no matter what your needs are because you can tell them what type of design and layout you like for your website and what functionality you want to provide to your visitors. The designer will then determine if the work can be done in your set time frame. Web page designers usually have basic coding skills because designers that are well-versed in coding normally refer themselves as web developers. Web page designers that cannot handle your needs will most likely refer you to a web developer.

Because a web developer requires more skill, web developers tend to charge more so it is very important to know your budget. If you really need website for your company, you can always opt for a simple version where you shouldn't have to pay a web designer very much. Once the site is all set up, you can at least host it online and get people to check out your site. This also gives you time to save up while you are marketing your new website to others.

Once you are ready to give your site an update, you can go ahead and look for a more experienced web developer. Since your site already has a foundation, the web developer shouldn't charge so much unless you have a long list of needs for your site. The point is, it will most likely be more expensive if you let a web developer handle both the design and the features of your site. Plus, development will take longer as well.

Of course, going the web developer route from the start isn't always a bad thing since the developer has more flexibility. Depending on what you need on your site, it can be beneficial if the designer codes everything and then builds a design around it. This ensures the stability of your site as well as the security. Then you can finally announce to your subscribers that you have a huge update and that could be enough to attract even more traffic.

Designing and Creating Effective Landing Pages   7 Navigation System Elements Your Website Should Have   Hire Java Developers With Experience in Top 10 Java Frameworks   Grow Your Businesses Revenue From Having A Mobile Website   Factors To Be Incorporated By A Website Design Company   How to Make Free Websites   

Web Design

Web design deals with the area of designing a good website and in the long run updating and maintaining. With the internet boom, every company wants to have an online footprint and a website is the best way to showcase one's skills and business and kindle the curiosity of potential customers.

The layout of a website depends on its functionality and use and hence what applies to one industry cannot be generalised to others. But at the same time, it is important to choose a good web design company to ensure that one's ideas are translated into reality and a friendly and positive image is created in the virtual world. In businesses where the customer base is worldwide, a website is the first gateway to showcase the reputation and capability of a company.

Every web page needs to be functional and aesthetic while at the same time being easy to navigate and comprehend. Content needs to be precisely written with good sentence structures and grammar to ensure that the viewer interest is not lost. It is easy to put in fancy visuals and have all the colours in the palette incorporated on a webpage but essentially, the message needs to be delivered. Incorporating SEO or search engine optimization ensures that the website is noticed by search engines and as the number of visits to a website increase, better are the chances of business expansion and reputation enhancement. Thus a good business needs a work of online art to showcase itself.

Web design companies need to be chosen carefully and the following points are some of the key indicators that can help you make a good choice.

• Experience in the business area • Market reputation and promised capability • Client Portfolio • Responsiveness to requirements and demands • Delivery time • Latest project samples • Proven track record in the given domain • Company policies and client interaction procedures of the web design company • Extent of services offered in case of future expansion • Website maintenance & redesign services • Cost effectiveness, efficiency and value for money

Thus when making a choice, one has to strike a judicious balance with one's own budget and requirements in mind. At the same time, the web design company must be capable of translating ones vision with minimum supervision and guidance since frequent discussions take a toll of valuable time.

Some companies have made patented software so that the clients can communicate their requirements effectively. Through this program, the clients can decide the basic content and layout of the website. Everything right from the number of tabs and pages required to the type of design, animation etc. Thus a fairly accurate idea of the client requirements is got without any hassles. Once the requirements are got, work begins earnestly towards finalising the design. Using this kind of advanced technologies has helped companies cover greater distance within a short time under all weather conditions!! After the initial design, client meetings are held and real time testing carried out to ensure complete customer satisfaction.

The best way to attract traffic to your website is by using a good SEO (search Engine Optimising) provider in your city who has a good reputation. SEO is not merely adding keywords but also deals with enhancing the content and capture the imagination of the readers.

Designing and Creating Effective Landing Pages   7 Navigation System Elements Your Website Should Have   Hire Java Developers With Experience in Top 10 Java Frameworks   Grow Your Businesses Revenue From Having A Mobile Website   PSD to OsCommerce: Fuelling Better Ecommerce Websites   

Why You Must Design a Website For Those Who Use It

A main goal for any website to be considered successful is to be of value to users. Getting viewers to a particular online location is of course important; however, once an audience has been attracted, it must be able to understand and navigate correctly in order to come away with the intended message. So when creating any kind of website, designers and developers must understand the targeted audience and the different ways this audience will access and use the website. The best design will fail in performance if it is not accessible and usable to all the different visitors who will frequent it.


One of the important points that sometimes gets forgotten when building websites is the necessity to balance cutting edge and innovative design with the ability to use it on many different types of devices. It can be detrimental if the targeted audience is the general public - not techies, computer experts and other people likely to have the newest devices and gadgets - and the website has been designed for that more technical-savvy group of visitors. When someone, somewhere tries to access a web page without the benefit of the latest and greatest technology - an older computer or a mobile device other than an iPhone or have a disability that makes useability difficult at best - it is important that it be easily accessible to all potential users. This means accommodating for different screen resolutions and sizes, different portable devices, devices that may be slow to load and human difficulty as well. While it is impossible to design for every accessing possibility, a business should carefully consider the targeted audience and design with that group in mind.

Ease of Use

As a further consideration of the above point, if the likelihood is that the main audience will primarily be average internet users who may not be so savvy with gadgets, creative menus and other, more complex design elements, it would be better to do without those cutting-edge extras. It does add a certain creative excitement to the website - but only when viewed on the appropriate systems and navigated by those who understand how to interpret and interact with that creativity. For average viewers, all that effort just creates a headache in website navigation and increases the chance of becoming frustrated and leave. Additionally, keeping consistent with regard to page elements throughout the site will keep confusion to a minimum and make the user experience a friendlier one. Make every website a comfortable, convenient experience for most visitors.

Good Content

Beyond the usability factor, being an expert with a topic and providing relevant, trustworthy information is very important as well. Whatever the message, whatever the product or topic, providing accurate content that is informative, correctly composed, and answers viewer questions is the best way to provide a good service and be remembered. Users that visit a website and have to fight with accessibility only to not find the answers to questions will most likely not visit again. Make sure all content is well presented, easy to read and spatially well-balanced on each page. Use images correctly, accentuating the page but not so much as to impede down-load time or the ability to read through content.

By paying attention to these details and designing for the primary user rather than being dazzled by the available techno-savvy gadgets that will only be employed or enjoyed by a small percentage of visitors, any website can be more effective in getting its message across to the greatest majority of visitors. A great way to determine the user-friendliness of any website is to expose it to different groups and see if any problems with useability are noticed. Catering to the right group of visitors is imperative, making sure the website can be utilized by that group and correcting any problems preventing ease of use, will go a long way for increasing website effectiveness. Oh yes, it is vital to design a website for those who will buy that product or service!

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How to Hire the Perfect Designer for Your Site

When you are starting out with a new business, having a webpage with a catchy name is vitally important. If you are not web savvy, how do you get a great web site? You hire someone to design that website for you! There are several things to know before hiring a developer to provide a website that will appeal to many.

Make a List

It is best if you first know what you are wanting in a business page. The person you interview will want to know things like; what your company does, who is your target audience is, if you are selling anything on the website, and what your project budget is. You should have a projected launch date for the site and you may want a professional who is willing to make regular updates to the website.

What to Look For

A good designer has an online business portfolio allowing you to see previous jobs and visit with satisfied customers. If you hire someone that does not live in the same city as you, are they willing to communicate on a regular basis with you online? If you cannot stay in constant communication with the person taking over your site, the process could be slowed.

Looking at a successful website will help you pinpoint a few things you want with your business page. It needs to be simple, easy to navigate, and draw attention immediately. If you need an eCommerce section, what payment forms are they comfortable with? Are they capable of tying your page to a social media campaign on Facebook or Twitter? Social media is the new way to free advertising and publicizing your work.

Freelance or Firm

Finally, you will want to decide if you want to hire a person who works as a freelancer or someone who works with a design firm. Firms will cost more, but will have a team of people on staff if you need more interaction on the website. Freelancers have lower costs to design; however they run on their own schedule and may not be available every time you need them.

After you have done the research, it is time to get to build the website. Meet with applicants and see what they have to offer you and how they can assist your business. Know that there may be an expense up front to begin the development process, but it will be quickly recouped if it brings visitors to the website. The best web pages are viewable on all browsers, as well as mobile sites.

Designing and Creating Effective Landing Pages   7 Navigation System Elements Your Website Should Have   Hire Java Developers With Experience in Top 10 Java Frameworks   Grow Your Businesses Revenue From Having A Mobile Website   Why Learn WordPress and Some Tips on Getting Started   

Get the Inside-Out of Your Web Designer

Marketing for a product may be the most difficult task; even harder than designing it. Well, the most common and easiest way for marketing these days is believed to be your web site; your web site portraits your product it is by the same token essential for you to have an equally innovative and vibrant website as your product. If you're not a web designer and lack knowledge of the field, then no problem; you can always hire someone to work for you.

Web designing has become an industry with strong economic grounds, it provides services according to your desire, standard and flavor. So the main task it leaves on your hands is of running a company. And for that you must undertake some key points to note about a company;


To know what is the genre of the company is vital piece of information to know when you are hiring. An honorable company would itself provide you with links and references to their previous done work; this will help you in understanding that companies working style better and weather it fits your idea of a good quality website.


If you want to buy something you will always want to be aware that you're not getting mugged; the price you pay is worth the work you get. Websites can be a very expensive thing, when you go out to purchase and making picking the right price is also another extra effort being made by you; for knowing the price ranges of Web Sites you could surf the internet and collect information on various company's sites to their usual rates varying from design, technical aspects to labor costs.

Consumer Rights:

While choosing a company make sure their motto relates to "customer is always right". It's essential that you get all the attention you need before and after the launching of the site. Put in an extra hand and find out how the company treated its previous clients, how was their response to the customer queries, and go around asking question to recent clients regarding the company.

If you are unaware of the technicalities involved in designing a web page; know the basic trios of hiring any company to work for you and make sure that at the end of the day; you get what you paid for and desired for. As your website is a representation of you to the direct customer on the internet.

Designing and Creating Effective Landing Pages   7 Navigation System Elements Your Website Should Have   Hire Java Developers With Experience in Top 10 Java Frameworks   Grow Your Businesses Revenue From Having A Mobile Website   Communication Is Key: Be Honest With Your Website Designer   Web Designing Companies Can Help You Get The Perfect Business Website   

Is It Time To Learn How To Start A Blog?

It seems that just about everyone is starting a blog these days, and if you haven't joined the throng, maybe you should learn how to start a blog for yourself.

Most people nowadays know how to use a computer and browse the Internet, and if that is so for you, you're ready to get started. Your blog can be about something you are interested in, a way to stay in touch with family and friends in a more private way than using social media, or for purposes of earning money.

The first step in setting up a blog is to open an account with one of the many free services online. WordPress, Livejournal, and Blogspot are three that come to mind. Check out several of them to make sure that the style and format suit you, and view some of the sample blogs that are there. Learn from some of the other blogs that already exist on the site and get ready for your adventure.

While you are viewing other blogs you will be learning how to create a blog, but you will have to choose a topic of your own. Many blogs today use niche topics. Some are dedicated to cars, hot rods, monster trucks and anything to do with driving. Other topics are fashion and makeup. Still others are all about the outdoors whether that is gardening or hiking or hunting.

Choose a topic that interests you or that you are passionate about. While there is no hard and fast rule that you must stick with a specific topic, if you want people who share the same interest to find and read your blog, it will increase your chances if you do.

The final step in how to start a blog is to encourage people to read it. This is the time to begin writing and posting entries on your blog. Now go locate other blogs that you find interesting and leave comments on what they have to say. So that they can check out your blog, and find out what you are all about, leave a link to it.

As you're making friends with other bloggers, you're also gathering interest for your own blog. You do want to bring visitors to your site don't you? Well, the best place to start is within yourself. Find out what you love and write about it. In time, your circle of friends will increase right along with your influence.

If you are ready to start learning how to create a blog, the time to get started is right now. Go on, go out there, and tell them what you think.

Designing and Creating Effective Landing Pages   7 Navigation System Elements Your Website Should Have   Hire Java Developers With Experience in Top 10 Java Frameworks   Grow Your Businesses Revenue From Having A Mobile Website   Professional Web Design - Strategies for Building an Online Business   

The Advantages of E-Commerce Design

In the last couple of years, e-commerce has been fast rising as one of the most vital facets of the internet. It involves carrying out a business through the use of the internet with the help of computer systems, which are connected with each other building a network. Nowadays, almost all of the business organization are using this service and availing its many benefits. Some of the advantages of e-commerce web design are:

• Exploring new business avenues: Largely speaking, e commerce gives emphasis on exploring fresh business markets and exploring into new business opportunities. The core value of eCommerce is 'do more with less'. Moreover, it enables businesses to showcase their products or services to an extensive online audience. It provides the business firms the potential to reach a wide audience which eventually leads to the growth of the business.

• Businesses can sell their business from anywhere: It enables the businesses to sell and market their product from anywhere in the world. With the rise of automatic shopping cart and payment gateway systems the need for one-on-one customer interaction has been almost eliminated. A good and professional ecommerce website will sell the products with no need physical supervision of the company. The products are catalogued, stocked, labelled and ordered electronically.

• Business houses can sell their products anytime: A good such a website design helps the businesses to sell their products anytime and from any part of the world. This can be considered as the chief benefit of eCommerce website design. Furthermore, it reduces the delivery, resource and labor time associated with traditional retail. It automatically covers the various administrative areas of the business house such as documentation preparation, error detection and correction, reconciliation, mail preparation, data entry, communication etc.

• Helps in saving time and money: One of the best advantages of using this service is that it helps in saving you a good amount of time and money. It is because of the reason that it requires less maintenance, less staff and the less time. The time and money which you saves can be used in the other aspects of the business which will help in the growth of the business.

• Increases the revenue: Because of the reason that it helps in reducing operating costs, it has the ability to increase revenue by catering and reaching into new markets for old products and services, creating new information based products and also establishes innovative and latest service delivery channels to serve and interact in a better way with the customers. Besides, it also helps the business houses to decrease the operating costs by enabling them to decrease the operating costs by fairly coordinating the sales, production, the distribution processes.

Above mentioned points proves the fact that using of efficient and effective ecommerce design helps a lot for the growth of a business organization. So, get these services and reap its benefits.

Designing and Creating Effective Landing Pages   7 Navigation System Elements Your Website Should Have   Hire Java Developers With Experience in Top 10 Java Frameworks   Grow Your Businesses Revenue From Having A Mobile Website   How to Make Free Websites   

Create a Brand Identity by Employing Creativity, Professionalism and Innovation

Brand identity is not just a logo or collateral; it's about the ideologies, values and promises of your organization. Brand identity is the face of your organization. Your company can build relationship if it generates curiosity for your brand. Consumer or people cannot recognize your company in just one meeting or display of advertisement. It needs time to establish the name in the market. The repetition of your mission statements and logo will introduce your brand to people over the period of time.

There are certain factors which should be given priority before finalizing a logo design. A logo is not something you can alter any time you want. It needs to be consistent as it is directly associated with your organization and it talks about your organizational values. A logo should look professional and be able to meet the business requirement of the company. It should not look complex as a complicated logo does not stay longer in customer's mind. A complex logo has other issues as well. If the logo is printed in a very small font and size, it will be illegible to read and understand. Simple logo is easy to be remembered by customers or clients.

It is also imperative to understand that you do not create hype while designing a brand identity of your company and do not deliver what you promise. If customers or clients do not find it as promised to them, they will alienate from your brand instantly. This causes irreparable damage and leaves a stigma for a company which will beat it down in the competition. The competition is very stiff and it requires organizations to be on their toes in terms of customer relationship, values and promises. Once the image of the company is tarnished it will take ages to build it again.

The organization needs to know where and how to put the logo of the company. To make the company logo popular, they need to highlight it everywhere. Apple's half bitten logo is found on all the products it makes. All the documents and stationary have the logo printed on them. This is how you need to create the brand identity for your company. The graphics need to be classy and should talk about the ideologies of the company. It should carry a meaning. Most importantly, the organization should research if the logo of your company does not someway or other resemble to any other prominent brand. This will create conspiracy and that is not good for any business at all.

Designing and Creating Effective Landing Pages   7 Navigation System Elements Your Website Should Have   Hire Java Developers With Experience in Top 10 Java Frameworks   Grow Your Businesses Revenue From Having A Mobile Website   Factors To Be Incorporated By A Website Design Company   

Web Design Jobs Can Offer Many Great Opportunities

Can a business survive if it does not publish a decent website? It will probably survive but it will never be able to achieve its maximum success potential. There are scores of customers that do the bulk of their shopping online and a serious business will use a website to try to attract the attention of these shoppers. If you are someone that has great skills at creating websites, you just might be able to provide the skills a businesses in need of a website will be willing to pay a great deal for.

The future for someone that knows how to make a website look bright. Every year billions of dollars are spent by consumers purchasing merchandise online. In order to establish a decent presence online, the business will need a website that promotes both the business itself and the product or service offered. A static, boring looking website is not going to be enough to attract attention. The website will need to have some creative flair associated with it. The site must also embody the proper amount of user-friendliness that can facilitate sales. Website designers that understand how to deliver on these fronts might end up earning a lucrative income.

Where can you find these web designer jobs? There are quite a few ways you can tap into a customer base seeking to have websites designed.

First, there are established website design companies that are always looking to hire new talent. Contacting one of the many design companies online could be well worth your time. There are also many auction sites where freelancers can offer their services to the public. Joining several of these freelance sites and bidding on projects could prove to be a successful strategy. You could also publish your own website promoting your own services. This could lead to landing a number of orders as people discover your website while traversing through the search engines.

Of course, you could try all three approaches at once and remain quite busy and gainfully employed as a result. Just be careful not to overextend yourself since you do not want to see the quality of your work suffer.

Speaking of the quality of your work, clients are only going to want to hire you if you show exceptional talent as a website designer. In order to show them what you can do, you will need to create a portfolio of your work. When potential customers ask to see samples, you can show them the wares in your portfolio. You could also publish a few sample creations online and direct potential clients to those sites.

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Free Webspace - Creating Your Own

Free web space sounds like a good thing if you haven't found a place to host your website and don't have the budget for paid hosting. With nothing to pay for and no credit card information to enter, going for a free web hosting provider seems like the next step to take after you know how to make a website. But if your website has high ambitions when it comes to creating content and generating traffic, you should choose a reputable hosting provider because changing hosting providers can be a hassle even if you are going to transfer from a free hosting provider to another free service. Changing a hosting provider usually means that your site address must change unless you already purchased a domain. Still lots of other things need to be done such as transferring the files from the old site to the new. You can avoid this by looking for the following things before signing up for a free web space account.

Social Networking Profile

Facebook and Twitter are two of the most popular social networking sites simply because many reputable businesses including Google and Microsoft have official pages set up in these social networking profiles. Any free web hosting provider that is serious in connecting with clients will exert some effort in making an official social networking profile. These profiles serve as convenient ways for clients to get support or check for new developments.

User Base

If the free web hosting provider is really offering good services, there should be a number of other webmasters that currently have websites hosted by the provider. All you have to do is find these websites by using the domain name of the hosting provider as a keyword when searching using a search engine. Some websites place a link back to their provider simply because they want to spread the word.

Upgrade Path

A free provider is an excellent start if you don't expect a huge amount of visitors right away. But as you put content into your website and market it, more people might be checking out your site and all your visitors can suffer as a result because sites hosted in free servers are generally slow because the server is shared with other websites. Before you register in the hosting provider, look at the paid hosting plans that are available and find out their benefits. This way, you can easily upgrade your free plan to a paid plan without the need for transferring or reconfiguring your site.

Of course, the most obvious thing that you have to check is whether or not the free host is really capable of hosting your site. Be sure to check the features of the free plan as well as the terms of agreement so you know that you are not wasting time in registering and uploading your site.

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The Responsive Web Design

It is only when human mind liberates itself of the limitations and boundaries, technology moves ahead and brings us to yet another milestone. This is what perhaps Ethan Marcotte did when he introduced the concept of creating web designs which "responds" to the screen dimensions and resolutions it is being viewed on. His ideas on Responsive Web Design were viewed on the blog "A list Apart". Getting freedom from screen sizes and resolutions of different devices has become a liberating and perhaps creatively fulfilling experience for the web designers.

In the web 0.1 era when static one-page websites were created, things were pretty much simple, at least as we see them in today's day and age. Gradually, mobile was introduced and it went through several transformations which continue till today. Along came other devices as well, such as Notebook and Kindle. While the marketing geeks have always remained on the pursuit for better ways of reaching the customers and target audience, web has remained the most cost effective way of communicating with them (one way initially and two way today) with best ROI. This has opened new avenues to forge transparent and uninhibited conversations and has hence kept marketing teams on its toes to design their communiqué or websites suited for the not just each screen size but also the features of the each medium or device.

While the number of devices will certainly rise, having separate websites for each device can put forth a mind boggling number websites to be designed, updated and managed on a daily basis. Needless to say that each website may not convey the same theme or essence, but demands to be created since your target audience could view it on a device he is most comfortable with. To top it up, the audience experience in different browsers may differ vastly. And while the technology evolves further, we would look at independence from the limited screens of handheld devices. The ability to use any surface as a screen is perhaps on the horizon!

Today, even Google recommends Responsive Web Design as their preferred method for building websites. Moreover, Google Analytics can provide a consolidated report on the statistics of your website from each device, instead of different charts and graphs for different sites.

Responsive Web Design was a term coined by Ethan Marcotte which rests on the concepts of fluid designs and content and image choreography and media queries.

It is a technique based on HTML and CSS. Simple rules in CSS can change style based on the screen-size of the user's device. To enable its functioning in older web browsers like IE 6, there are JavaScript based solutions like respond.js and modernizr.

Designing and Creating Effective Landing Pages   7 Navigation System Elements Your Website Should Have   Hire Java Developers With Experience in Top 10 Java Frameworks   Grow Your Businesses Revenue From Having A Mobile Website   Why Learn WordPress and Some Tips on Getting Started   Communication Is Key: Be Honest With Your Website Designer   

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